Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Crafting the Observatory is alot of work

I have been farming the portico for a few days, looking for  aether, regular, black, and golden pearlsThis is what I have so far 
# and the blue note means that it's complete
I'm doing good, I guess. I bought all the reagents that I needed to buy, except for 14 glass vials (I'm broke) and the rest of the time I have been collecting reagents in the portico.

p.s. Reagent/chest/lizard guide to portico in guide section of the blog ( I'm counting on you for the rest)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The inappropriate conduct is getting worse.

I was in the commons today ( Realm: WU Area: 1) and I witnessed some really inappropriate stuff.(I've heard some bad stuff about the wu realm but never anything like this) I use the word stuff because it wasn't just cursing, It was other stuff I cant explain on the blog and still keep it family friendly. I must have Reported at least 10 of them but they still didn't stop. It got so vulgar that I couldn't stand it anymore and Left. I would put a screen shot of the chat up, but I want to keep this g-rated. My point is that the game is supposed to be rated E 10+  but some people that play it make it AO (adults only). which brings me to my next point, the report button is there for a reason, USE IT. I think that if you don't want to hear it and you wouldn't want a 5 year old to hear it, you should report it. If everyone reported people for inappropriate conduct W101 would be alot more family friendly.

Below are some links about internet safety and reportable offences:

Friday, April 22, 2011

I'm starting to craft my Celestial Observatory

I have it all set up as sticky notes on my desktop. After I got it done I realized that this is going to take a while.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Check Out Gangsta Ambrose

Today I added a new, cool little doodad to the blog. Its on the sidebar. I saw it on another blog and thought, I would like to have one of those. So I went to the VOKI site and Gangsta Ambrose was born.

Monday, April 18, 2011


These things are awesome, a little expencive, but awesome. Looks like i am going to gamestop. These things allow you to use power pips for your secondary school. I bet these things would be killer in pvp. An ice wizard who has over 3000 health could use storm spells and get alot of hit points without even being close to geting killed. I said it once and ill say it again, these things are awesome.

Hello Again!!!

Sorry i havent been posting. I had other things to do. But now im back